
How do I know if I placed my order correctly?

Upon the successful completion of your order, an order confirmation e-mail and SMS containing your order details will be sent to your registered email ID and phone number.

Can I call and place an order?

Yes ,you can call on available customer care number on website.

How do I make changes to my order?

Yes, Before shipping you can direct call on customer care number .



What are the various modes of payment I can use for shopping?

You can pay for your order using the following modes of payment:

  • UPI
  • Credit Card / Debit Card
  • Netbanking
  • e-Wallets
  • Cash on Delivery
Can I pay online during the delivery of the product?

You can pay by scanning the QR available on the invoice using any UPI app at the time of delivery. Please check with the delivery executive to assist you.

I have placed an order with Cash on Delivery option. Can I change the payment method now?

Yes you can change , But Before Shipping .

How much time will it take to get the refund of a cancelled/returned order?

Refund against a cancelled or return product may take up to 7 working days depending on the payment instrument used to place the order.

And in Return case refund will be processed after receiving return product .

How will I get the refund against an order which placed with Cash on Delivery?

Refund against orders delivered with Cash on delivery will credited in your Glitter Collection wallet which can be utilized for future orders. Or  your Shared bank Account or Bank Cheque  .

What are RBI guidelines?

As per RBI guidelines, effective 1st October 2022, merchants can no longer save your credit or debit card details. Instead, the card will be stored at merchant, payment gateway and aggregators in the form of tokens.

Product Delivery

How can I check for an expected date of delivery of an order I placed?

You can check for an estimated date of delivery on the product description page by entering your pin code. Date of delivery may vary from product to product and is also dependent on the pin code of the delivery address. We try our best to delivery your orders as early as possible.

Are there any delivery charges on the orders?

Currently, on Very Few product shipping charges applicable .You can check at the time of placing order .

Login / Account Related

What is My Account?

‘My Account’ is the section where you can view your Personal Information, Order History and Shopping List.

I am unable to login

You may have entered incorrect login details. Please enter the correct information & try again. In case the issue persists, please write to us at

feedback@glittercollection.in or call 91-97187-33-444


7 days Returnable on all Product

You may return the Product if it is damaged, defective or is not in working condition, or if parts of the Product or accessory is missing, or are different from what was ordered basis the product description displayed on Glitter Collection .

In addition to the abovementioned conditions, we will accept the return if you keep the Products in its original condition, along with brand outer box, MRP tags attached, user manual, warranty cards, and original accessories in manufacturer packaging for a successful return pick-up.

Shipping Partner

Amazon Shipping, Flipkart Shipping, Blue Dart, DTDC , Delivery ,  

Ecom Express, Gati , Fedex , Maruti , Speed Post .  

Fraud prevention and awareness

What should customers do in case they have become victim to any fraud?

General public and prospective customers are advised to immediately report any suspicious incident to the concerned authorities and to us. Please note that any person dealing with such fraudsters will be dealing at his/her own risk and responsibility. Glitter Collection and/or any of its Group Company will not be responsible for any loss suffered or otherwise in this respect.

What are the ways in which fraudsters may approach customers?

It has come to the notice of Glitter Collection that, some fraudsters are approaching customers:

  • with promotional Offers from Glitter Collection
  • through fake email IDs as well as fake domain names/website links which may appear confusingly similar or identical with Glitter Collection and its Group Companies
  • through Social media Apps such as Whatsapp / Facebook by including the trademark/logo of Glitter Collection and/or the logo ‘B’ as part of their profile pic and pushing fake offers to the innocent public, by luring them with false promises.

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